When I met Chris he was shocked by how much starbucks I actually drank and how much money I spent on it. Over the past couple years I've really really cut back on the coffee and the spending. Thankfully I am still getting benefits from my previous mass starbucks consumption. Example: I am a starbucks gold member and I just recently received my gold card in the mail. it's shiny.
I get reward points and free stuff for being a gold member and I also am privy to surveys and opinion stuff online, for which I get more free stuff! genius.
With my gold card was a coupon for a free drink and I hurried over to my local starbucks to enjoy it (where I might add no one recognized me or knew my order as the barista's used to). As I sipped my free venti (there is no restriction on size!) I wondered how I could get more of this sweet nectar for free or close to free.
Reward systems like my Gold card are a great way to get stuff for free.
With my gold card each time I buy a drink using money pre-loaded onto my Gold card I earn points. After 15 points I get a free drink! I also get free flavored syrup, free soy milk, free refills of brewed coffee, a free tall beverage when I buy a pound of coffee beans, free wi-fi, and of course, a free beverage on my birthday.
I turned to the coupons to see if I could get even more savings. Luckily there are coupons on the internet for $1 off Starbucks Via which I can make at home and avoid going to the store to be tempted by mugs and pastries.
I would also like to mention the line of Starbucks drinks that they sell at 7-eleven. One bottled Starbucks frappucino at 7-eleven was priced at $2.27 yesterday. This my friends is a rip-off. Go to the store, if you're going to splurge then get the real thing. A tall beverage will not cost you much more than that bottled variety.
Even though I've cut back and there is no mistaking it, I can still get the flavors I miss for less.
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