
Thursday, December 2, 2010


My family is not made of gifted bakers.
It's a tough thing to admit but it's absolutely true.

Chris and I were day-dreaming the other day about our lives and all the things that could happen. Cooking and food are a huge part of our future dreams. I decided that I should at least attempt to bake something and see how it turned out, just incase we want to open a bakery someday.

I made Almond Blackberry Sandwich Cookies! You can check out the recipe here at Bon Appetit. They used raspberry jam but I used blackberry.


Blend sugar, almond paste, and cinnamon with egg whites in a food processor. Put the dough in a plastic bag, instead of a pastry bag. Whoever invented this is genius. It's so much less mess!
Pile sliced almonds on a parchment sheet and squeeze little dough thingies on top. Roll or somehow get almonds all all sides of the dough-y cookies.
Then transfer the cookies to a sheet.
and bake!
Then heat the jam and spread between the cookies and sandwich together. Let cool and dust with powdered sugar. If you're celebrating the first night of Hanukkah like I was, then place on your favorite platter with jewish stars on it and take to your Bible study. (hum...)
The cookies are sweet and chewy and I think mine turned out delicious! Maybe there is a baker in me yet!

Happy Eating (and baking)!

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