
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Comfort Foods

Food intersects with so many parts of our lives.
We eat from the beginning...

Champagne to celebrate a new job. Which Chris and I did when he got the job he has now.
Pancakes to snuggle in bed with a loved one. I made my mother breakfast in bed on Mother's day for 6 years running I think. (hopefully she liked toast)
The hot cocoa my dad managed to microwave for me when we had snow days.
Camping marshmallows toasted until crunchy.
Thanksgiving traditions, those "Famous" family recipes you make over and over again.
Maybe even the beer you cheered to the friend that moved on ahead of the rest of us.

I write about food mostly, but really, food is such a huge part of our lives.
If I wrote about food and only how it nourishes our bodies, I think, I'd be missing something. Food can nourish more than muscles and bones.

I've been working on being open to love.
Letting go of fears and embracing freedom, love, passion, friendship, joy.

Chris and I have a lot of changes pending in the next year, changes I'm excited about and changes I'm scared about too. I will definitely post more details about all of that a little later but right now I'm glad for my staple foods. The foods that give me comfort and security.

Do you tend to eat the same tried-n-true foods when you've got changes going on in life?

I've been eating salads. This one had a great creamy dressing with tahini, nutritional yeast, lemon juice, salt, pepper, and rosemary. Rosemary is like my ultimate comfort spice.

I've been making smoothies, frozen fruits are so easy to whip into smoothies!

I've been eating cookies!! This recipe wasn't my favorite so I'm not really sharing it with you but it didn't stop me from eating a few (meaning half the batch) before I decided I didn't really love them.

What are your favorite go-to foods? Is there a smell of flavor that makes you think everything is going to be ok?

Happy Eating!

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