
Monday, May 21, 2012

Lacking Inspiration

I have been on an inspiration downward spiral!

Not only have I not been blogging but I honestly haven't really been cooking.

It's been quick easy foods around my house.

What do you do when you're lacking inspiration for things in your life?

I tried a few things:
   I read my new cookbook "Let them eat Vegan" by Dreena Burton although it didn't have very many pictures.
   I browsed pinterest.
   I went to World Market and looked at their plates, dishes, and table decor. I didn't really buy anything. Only a few spices.
   I made pancakes for my husband and I on Sunday morning. Pancakes are easy.
   I volunteered to bring dessert to a friend this week, nothing like commitment to bring about inspiration!

What other tips can you give me?

Hoping to be Inspired Soon!

1 comment:

  1. Usually, the photos inspire us to make a dish but if you're lacking inspiration, it may be a lack of energy in general that you are feeling. Try some enzyme activated treats like avocado with raw cacao powder and honey. Blend it all together, it makes a tasty pudding and will give you a boost of energy. Try raw foods and smoothies as well. Then when you gain some energy look through some amazing food photos and see how you feel then. Good luck.
