
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Summer Treats

The very best thing to happen to me over the past two week was finding this company; Peak Season Pops.
I don't say that lightly, a lot of good things have happened to me lately.

this Taco Pizza

this Easter breakfast.

this pedicure.

but no! This popsicle place is the very best. Imagine the best popsicle you've ever had, but see I couldn't have imagined that until after my first one of these. Remember popsicles? Turns out they don't have to be in flavor-colors: red, orange, purple. Popsicles to me were sticky messy overly sweet colored messes on a stick. I didn't think too positively about them. Fudge-sicles and I have a better nostalgic relationship but mostly I remember my sister eating them all before I got one.

These popsicles are heaven. They taste like fresh fruit but really cold without seeds. Fresh pineapple without the armor skin that's frozen and refreshing with bits of basil dancing all over.

I'm probably not making this sound really that great but it's because I keep getting distracted as I remember how great the popsicle was to me.

Check out this menu of flavors! See that "V" for vegan, it means "melissa eat me!"

I would really recommend hitting up the winter park farmer's market and purchasing one of these. Last week I brought a cooler and took 4 popsicles home. $12 on popsicles... YES and I think that was an excellent purchase!

I enjoyed this grapefruit mint popsicle by the pool.

Happy Eating!

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