
Monday, April 2, 2012

Juice Feast: Day 2


Breakfast Juice - Blueberries, Spinach, Cucumber, Parsley
Lunch Juice - Tomato, Carrot, Celery, Avocado

Afternoon Snack Juice - Apple, Orange
Dinner Juice - Cabbage, Zucchini, Apple

Evening Green Tea with Mint

That seemed to work out fairly well, besides the fact it wasn't popcorn with nutritional yeast which is what I'm craving so badly!!
Seriously, all I want to eat is popcorn!

We spent $63.39 at Freshfields Farm on ALL Organic stuffs to juice:

6lbs of Apples ... 9.58
25lbs of Carrots ... 17.49
2 Bunches of Kale ... 3.34
4 Cartons of Grape/Cherry Tomatoes ... 12.00
2 Cartons of Blueberries ... 6.98
1 Tray of Wheatgrass ... 2.00
10oz (2 Containers) of Spinach ... 6.00
5oz (1 Container) of Arugula ... 3.00
1 Bunch Rainbow Chard ... 1.50
1 Bunch Red Chard ... 1.50
25 Pounds of Carrots!
Check out that monster of a bag of carrots huh!
There was a spider in one of our containers of spinach. The check out lady was scared but switched us out for a vegetarian one. It makes me happy that animals want to eat our food!

I liked the tomato, carrot, celery juice the best so far. It was almost like a bloody mary. I added some garlic and roasted red pepper flakes for spice. The green juices taste fine. It takes me a while to drink them down. Chris chugs his but I can't manage that.

Calorie wise I know my body isn't hungry but I realized tonight that I haven't gone this long without food since I was sick with an eating disorder, which was a while back! It's strange to not chew or eat.

Chris has a headache and he is fairly grumpy actually. I'm glad I'm not feeling as sick as he is. I'm feeling fine actually. The cravings which are totally emotional. After doing more research today and seeing how not great Chris feels I think our 10 day goal might have been a little lofty. If we hit 5-7 I think that would be plenty. No decisions until after day 3, which I hear is after the worst of the withdrawal symptoms.

Welcome to the juicer washer station! Haha. 
Happy Eating (or drinking)!

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