
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Winter Park 10k

Chris and I had a great time running the Winter Park 10k together!
Last year I ran by myself but running with a partner is alway more fun. I should mention though that we were the VERY last two people to start the race since we woke up late and barely made it over the time-chip mat before they broke it down. Our timer was actually a few minutes off because Chris has to swipe my chip before I was even there! I was illegally parking the car. Oops!

The course weaves through a very nice area of Winter Park so you get to see some very beautiful homes and some beautiful people!
There was one family with a full band set up on their dive-way- Thanks for the encouragement!
One little boy was waving from his upstairs window last year and sure enough, he was there again this year!

There was over 2,000 people running which was a pretty big crowd to me!

We actually got medals this year for the 35th Anniversary which we realized is the same as Chris' birthday. How fun :)

And of course I ate a strawberry, yum.

Happy Running!

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