
Monday, March 26, 2012

Falafel Pie

I love this blog... The Vegan Stoner.
I'm not a stoner myself, but I am a vegan. They illustrate their recipes! It's a really super fun take on recipes. They are adorable illustrations. You can find other illustrated recipes here, even non-vegan ones!

I made falafel pie the other night based on the vegan stoner's recipe.
BEST idea ever!

It's easy to make and easy to modify to your own tastes. If you're into cheese, throw some feta in there too, or maybe a yogurt sauce. Mine, of course, doesn't have those but heck, it's your dinner- do what you want!


  • Falafel Mix (for you gluten-free eaters I know that falafel in it's authentic form is gluten free but check your mix because there can be flour in there)
  • Hummus (you can purchase some or make your own. I bought a roasted garlic variety)
  • Baba Ganoush (I made my own but I've seen it for sale too)
  • Cucumber
  • Green Onion
  • Kalamata Olives
I made my baba ganoush the day before. It's simple to make, even with that complicated name. It's basically roasted eggplant hummus. This recipe is a nice starting point. 

First mix the falafel with water according to your package directions. The brand I used needed to sit for 15 minutes. 
That gave me plenty of time to chop some vegetables! 

Press the falafel into a baking dish, and bake at 350 degrees for 15-20 minutes. I did not end up using the entire package of falafel, I used about 2/3 of mine. 

Chop the cucumber in thick slices, maybe 1/2 inch? I peeled my cucumber but you don't have too. 
Slice the tomato. 
Dice up some green onion. I think red onion would be nice too but I had green onions on hand. 
Slice your olives. You will notice there are only olive on half of my pie because Chris doesn't like olives. 

Once the falafel is baked, let it cool slightly. Start layering! 

First a thick layer of hummus. 
Then cucumber layer. 
Then thin baba ganoush layer. 
Tomatoes on top. 
Olives and Green onions after that. 

It's crisp, refreshing, salty, and really flavorful without a lot of spice work because the mix is already seasoned. Chris and I both loved this dinner and I'll definitely be making it again. 

How Pretty is that pie? You could make yours in a pie dish for a more round presentation. 
Happy Eating!

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