
Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Ravioli is delicious. It's normally not vegan, as it's filled with cheese.
This ravioli is not filled with cheese and it's not full of gluten. It's raw! Hence the fun name: Rawvioli!
  • Step One: Slice the zucchini

We bought a mandolin but I think we bought a retarded one because I can't work it. It has a safety hatch thing on it and I can't manage to slice anything but my finger.

Forget that thing! I used my food processor to slice the zucchini. I am loving that slicing shredding attachment! The slice should be very thin.

  • Step Two: Prepare the cashew-cheeze filling.
Soak the cashews for 30 min to an hour. Then drain them of their soaking liquid and add them to the food processor. Add the other ingredients:

Nutritional Yeast, maybe 1/2-1/3 cup. 1-2 tbsp Lemon Juice. 10 leaves Fresh Basil. 1 clove Garlic. Salt and Pepper to taste. Water to texture.

The consistency should be like ricotta, maybe a little more watery than ricotta.
(Nutritional Yeast is not technically considered a raw food but I'm using it anyway)
  • Step Three: Assemble the rawvioli.
Get a zucchini slice and add a tiny bit of cashew-cheeze to the middle.
Put you finger in a bit of extra virgin olive oil and run it around the edge of the zucchini.

Press another zucchini slice on top and seal around the sides.

I served it with some pesto sauce, I made it pretty simple with basil, garlic, olive oil, and vegan parmesan. I also served it with totally not raw garlic bread because since the "pasta" wasn't bread I thought I could splurge on some crunchy garlic faux-buttery goodness!

Happy Eating!

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