
Monday, January 30, 2012

Edamame Hummus & A Wrap for Lunch

A while back I had tried to make hummus with edamame with the standard hummus ingredients; tahini, lemon juice, garlic. It was good, but as I was munching on it I thought... this could be better!

I bought some shelled edamame*, plugged in the food processor and away we go.

Instead of olive oil I used a splash of sesame oil, instead of tahini I used some raw almond butter*, then I threw in some roasted garlic*, lemon juice*, powdered ginger*, sriracha, and hemp seed*. After I processed it all together I added sesame seeds*. It tastes very "asian" but I think it would also be good with wasabi instead of sriracha.

I added the hemp seed because I had just bought some for Chris who has been reading a vegan athlete's book and he uses a lot of hemp seed. It supposed to be good for you.

Then, I made a wrap for lunch.
I used the Ezekiel 4:9 wraps* which I love and Chris hates. It's probably the one area where we agree to disagree and whoever makes it to the store first gets to buy the kind they like. Which is me.

Let me also say normally I hate using tortillas for lunch when you make it ahead of time because it gets soggy and I end up throwing it away. That miraculously did not happen this time!

I put a romaine leaf* down on the bottom because the wrap is pretty fragile and the lettuce keeps the filling from spilling through any rips in the wrap.
Then carrots* and red cabbage chopped in the food processor. I didn't season the veggies, just left them raw and delicious.
Top with the hummus and roll it up.

* means that ingredient was organic in my version.
Happy Eating!

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