
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Dinner: Zucchini Rice

Zucchini is delicious lots of ways; grilled, baked, stuffed, sauteed, put in breads, even in cookies. Shredding zucchini is easy because it's tender and it's pretty wet in the inside.
I'm always looking for a fun new way to cook the same old food. Partly because I want to make my husband happy and partly because new more expensive foods aren't really an option. Plus dinner is more fun when you have cool new side dishes.

I cooked the brown rice in the rice cooker, I haven't mastered the rice cooker yet. Does yours get the brown crusty burn rice layer on the bottom? Mine does, EVERY time. I sprayed it with some cooking spray, still happened. I'll figure it out eventually but pointers would be awesome.

Then I shredded the zucchini raw and actually left it raw. I didn't want a mushy mess, which it kind of already is when it's raw. I mixed the cooked rice into the zucchini while it was still hot so the heat could party steam the zucchini. I added some salt, pepper, and lemon zest. That's it.

Delicious. I bet kids wouldn't even know there was a vegetable hidden in there. (I served mine with some chicken)
Happy Eating.

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