
Thursday, March 31, 2011

High Fructose Corn Syrup - Intro

I'm doing something a little crazy...
I'm participating in one of those medical studies, from the newspaper.

It's a study about the effects of High Fructose Corn Syrup on the body. I'm both excited and nervous.
I'm excited to see how the corn syrup effects my body, not most bodies or people in general but my body specifically. I'm also intrigued because I consume so little corn syrup now compared to the average American, although I would probably like to lower my intake even more, that I think I will be aware of the changes in my body. The results from this study may give me the final motivation I need to cut HFCS out of my diet forever.
I'm a little nervous that I will get sick or gain weight but I am confident I'll find some sort of cleanse to do afterward that will bring me back to normal. Any suggestions?

It's a 10 week study so I'll probably continue to post my feelings and observations about myself during the ten weeks. It can be a fun journey for all of us! They will be testing my blood and glucose levels next week so we will be all set to start consuming the syrup after that.

Wish me luck!

oh and if you're interested... you could come on this journey with me!

1 comment:

  1. Melissa- I am really interested to see how this goes! Let me know what happens!!
