
Thursday, March 10, 2011


hello bloggers.
remember that new year's resolution to blog more regularly...
I remember it, and I remember when it sailed into the trash can like the rough draft of a love poem.

Updates: I still love cooking and I've been cooking really fun things. I just forget to take pictures and then I figure I can't blog about it unless I have a picture.
It's the lenten season officially yesterday and I've decided to give up some online social networking and start reading some real paper books.

It's also raining at my house right now and I would like to stay in my stretchy work-out pants all day, but I have to go to work this afternoon so I'm taking advantage of the morning.

Breakfast: Do you love breakfast. I'm of the mindset that breakfast is indeed the most important meal of the day.

This was breakfast this morning. I have no idea what to call them. Some people call them an egg in a basket I think. I don't really like that name.
It's a slice of bread, Ezekiel 4:9 Sprouted Wheat Bread if you'd like to know. First I pop out a circle with the top of a drinking glass. Then I put it in a little pan. Separate an egg white. Pour the egg white into the circle with a bit of salt and pepper. Cook and try not to spill egg white everywhere. Then I smear a tiny bit of real butter around the edges of the bread before enjoying. real butter is more delicious on rainy mornings than at any other time.

Nutritional Content: (if you don't eat the little round cutouts from the bread) 2 egg bread slices. 145 calories. 4 grams of fat. 14 carbs. 3 fibers. 12 protein. 0 sugar.

Happy Eating!

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