
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Meal Planning

This week's theme is Tex-Mex foods. I love the flavors, although my sweet husband hates cilantro so I'll be missing that one. Themes are kind of a fun way to buy foods that might not otherwise be cost effective. Avocado for instance, I can't eat a whole one in one meal for two, normally it's just half. This way I can work it into two or three meals and I can still enjoy it every once in a while.

Salads on romaine with avocado, tomato, corn salsa, and smoked turkey with lime juice.

Shrimp Tacos with citrus slaw. I've made this one before, probably a bunch of times, but it's seriously one of my ultimate favorite dishes.

Black Bean Enchiladas. I need to find a good recipe for enchilada sauce because I was seriously disappointed with the options at the grocery store today. Anyone know of a good one? and I am not making one with crazy ingredients...

Chicken Tortilla Soup. I love soup, as you might remember. Chris begged me not to make soup a theme for next week, bummer!

I also found this recipe for Green Bean Salad that I want to try since I never used the green beans I bought last week. I couldn't find the cotija cheese it called for at either store though. I do have some parmesan I might substitute.

is our One Year Anniversary; if you look at my countdown on the right you'd already know that. I can barely believe it! This year has flown by so quickly. We don't know exactly what we want to do that day. We both took the day off from work so we get to spend the whole day together though. You can be sure it will include some fabulous eating and I'll let you hear all about it!

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