
Friday, October 22, 2010

Pumpkin Wednesday

Can you believe it's already Friday?
Things in our week have been hectic! My work schedule was changed around and the meal plan was given a good shaking.
On Wednesday we were going to make Pumpkin Risotto which I was super excited about but that didn't happen. What did happen was Chris and I drove 30 minutes out of our way to eat some delicious pizza and have some pumpkin beers.

This restaurant has the coolest pizza, it's one big big slice with whatever toppings you want. I had
onion, mushroom, and fresh tomatoes on my giant slice and Chris had just cheese on his giant slice.

Overall, it was a great surprise date night. I like being out of the house but not working.
I hope any surprises during your week have been as good as mine.

Happy Surprises!

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