
Saturday, October 30, 2010

Pumpkin Risotto!

Have you ever made Risotto? It's delicious. It's kind of like what would happen if oatmeal and rice had a baby. I mean, that it's thick, creamy, and comforting like oatmeal but made of rice and not sweet like rice pudding but savory and scrumptious. It's not too difficult although I think it has a difficult reputation.

I based mine off this recipe. but I changed some stuff. Here are my calorie approximations for my altered version, and instructions:

Step 1: Saute some olive oil, onion, and garlic in a pan. Enjoy the smell.

Step 2: Add the rice, I used 1 cup. Straight into the pan. Stir to coat the rice with the oil. Let it sit in there a minute and get warm.

Step 3: Add 1 cup of white wine. Stir and simmer until it is mostly absorbed.

Step 4: Add 3 cups of warmed stock, I used vegetable this time. Add them one cup at a time stirring in between. Do not add the next cup until the previous one is mostly absorbed. The first picture is after adding liquid. The second is "mostly absorbed." This process should take a while so don't get too impatient. Sing yourself a song or something. I think this is why Risotto gets a poor reputation but it isn't hard, it's just stirring. I think you could even have a husband or a child do the stirring. Note: Do all your prep stuff first, you don't want to be fumbling with the wine bottle opener or can opener while you're supposed to be stirring.

Step 5: Taste a grain of rice, it should be tender. If not... add more liquid.

Step 6: Add 1 can of pumpkin. Stir.

Step 7: Add fresh rosemary, salt, pepper, not quite 1tbsp of butter and grated fresh parmesan reggiano.

Step 8: Try not to devour too quickly and miss the taste.

I was thinking, this could be super delicious on thanksgiving. Especially if you're not too married to mashed potatoes and stuffing. Pretend Menu: turkey, pumpkin risotto, roasted brussel sprouts with parmesan, fresh cranberry compote, and pear tart for dessert. (I make up menus while stirring)

Happy Eating!

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