
Thursday, September 9, 2010


Have you ever used food as a gift?
maybe you gave Christmas cookies away to your neighbors or made soup for a family member who was sick.

I love making food for other people. Chris is a great sport about eating all of my food but it's nice to have an objective audience. I'm pretty sure Chris is telling me the truth about my food but you never know...

I'm in a bible study once a week and I like to bring them treats. One time it was Berger cookies, which are my favorite cookie in the whole world. One time it was pumpkin scones. Tonight I made little apple turnovers.

Something about September says "cook with apples!" So I did. I didn't measure nor did I use a recipie but here is what I did.

1. Dice apples very fine.
2. Simmer sugar and water on the stove.
3. Coat apples in cinnamon, a little salt, a little sage, and a smidgen pumpkin spice.
4. Add apples to simmering sugar water.
5. Boil until thick. Stirring some.
6. Defrost frozen pastry puff.
7. Make small squares, making sure to make an extra one for the husband.
8. Add a dollop of apple filling and press into a little triangle.
9. Brush the top with an egg wash; 1 egg and a bit of water.
10. Bake 350 degrees until brown and golden looking.

Go have fun making other people happy with food!

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