
Monday, September 6, 2010

Chris Style

I normally work on the weekends while Chris works during the week. This means Sunday is normally our only whole day together. That also means we normally spend the day being together and don't really accomplish anything. Since today is Labor day and we are both off of work yesterday became a day to be productive and today became lazy day.
Yesterday was a crazy Sunday of errands and chores. So last night we made dinner, Chris style.

I've told you Chris loves all his foot cut up into bit size pieces and served all together in a bowl, so that's what we did. and we even ate it on the couch instead of at the table!

We made Kraft macaroni and cheese from the infamous blue box. I added a little extra cheese, sour cream, and milk. Then, in the same pot, we added steamed broccoli and grilled chicken. It was easy, balanced, and actually pretty good! I did add a few green onions and mushrooms for some extra flavor.
I don't know what it is about the bowl that makes it so comforting but the same meal, separated, on a plate doesn't give him the same level of satisfaction.

What do you eat after a hard day? Do you have a method of cooking that makes you sit back on the couch and go "ahhhh"?

1 comment:

  1. hmmm....I love cereal, in a bowl of course. As far as comfort foods go, I LOVE LOVE LOVE spaghetti in a bowl for some reason. I might have to try the mac and cheese recipe soon. :)
