
Friday, August 20, 2010


Food I do like to eat...
oh man. there are so many foods I love to eat. large lists in fact. I don't want to just focus on things I try to avoid but things I like to embrace.
Today is tropical foods day at my house.

I am having a trio salad for lunch. (Crispers inspired me actually)
Trio 1: Black Bean Salad
Trio 2: Tropical Fruit Salad
Trio 3: Vegetable Salad

Black Beans Salad. i LOVE bean salads. I think Chris is sick of them. I love putting beans together with vegetables and fats and creating delicious bowls of nutrition. I have been doing some definite italian bean salads lately, with the splurge of Parmesan Reggiano that we have in our fridge! I wanted to switch it up. Today's bean salad is black beans simmered in red onion mixed with fresh corn off the cob, diced plum tomato, fresh avocado, salt, pepper, and a little dried roasted red pepper.

Tropical Fruit Salad. Mangos are in season at the moment and last week they were on sale at Publix for $1. I got mine for $1 from Freshfields Farm this week. It is so tender and juicy. The one last week was a little hard. Mango has a tangy flavor, not too sweet which I like. Pineapple is less dense than mangos and a little sweeter so I think they pair well together. I'm adding a little banana for some potassium and for another texture, the squishy texture kind of blends the whole salad together.

Vegetable Salad. This one is pretty normal as far as garden salads go. I'm using red and yellow peppers instead of tomatoes to keep the tropical vibe going. I don't normally like dressings on my salad because they can be overpowering. I might add a coconut dressing if I had one...

This combination is great for it's wide variety of nutrition. Black beans and corn provide some complex carbohydrates. Black beans also give some protein. Avocado provides some delicious healthy fat. Tomato, Peppers, and Spinach gimmie some vegetables. Mango, Pineapple, and Banana are great fruits. The only thing I am "missing" is a form of dairy that I am going to eat as an afternoon snack.

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