
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Pumpkin Spice

Today became the best day ever when Chris and I unknowingly walked into starbucks and what were they serving... Pumpkin Spice! Considering it's still 92 degrees outside and although I wanted the taste of fall and not the extra heat, I opted for mine iced. (I'll give you a prize if you comment with the names of our drinks based on the starbucks short hand!)

Pumpkin spice is the reminder that autumn is coming and the heat of florida will be ending soon! I also now think we should go buy boots, pumpkins, and other various fall decor.


  1. Melissa,
    This is Caitlin, I'm not sure if you remember me. I think the last time I saw you guys, you fell out of the canoe at Deleon Springs (haha). Congrats to you and Chris on your marriage! I saw your link for the blog on fb and clicked on a whim :) WOW, I am in a diabetes lecture and you have entertained me and my classmate for the past hour and 50 minutes.


    On another note, I love to cook as well and I am somewhat obsessed with finding new ways of turning healthy foods into what you would call "satisfying" foods. I wanted to tell you my latest and most exciting recipe find!!!!!! It is a wannabe Bonefish house salad recipe. I toss it with fresh greens, sliced pears, sliced strawberries, sunflower seeds or walnuts, and feta or gorg or bleu cheese.

    Citrus Herb Vinagrette:
    2/3 c. EVOO
    1/4 c. Sugar or splenda
    3 tablespoons OJ or fresh orange juice
    2 Tablespoons white wine vinegar
    4 teaspoon minced garlic fresh
    1 tablespoon Dijon Mustard (Not grainy)
    2 teaspoon lime juice fresh
    2 teaspoon lemon juice fresh
    3 teaspoon fresh parsley minced
    1/2 teaspoon dried basil
    1/4 teaspoon dried oregano
    1/4 teaspoon salt
    1/8 teaspoon fresh ground black pepper
    *Whisk all ingredients in a bowl. Microwave on high for one minute or until the mixture bubbles rapidly around the edges of the bowl.
    *Whisk for one minute until mixture forms an emulsion.
    *Cover and chill, makes 1 and 1/4 cups of dressing.

    Anyways, thoroughly enjoyed your site. Please keep sharing :)

  2. I love your recipe! Do you use fresh or dried herbs? Normally I can't afford fresh herbs but I do love them.
    I totally remember falling off that canoe, sadly I am still just as clumsy as I was then. but married life is good! How is yours?
    Diabetes lecture sounds interesting, where are you taking that? I'm glad you liked the blog :D

  3. I use fresh only because I grow my own and it's cheap cheap :) Do you have room to grow or are you guys still downtown? Everything is going good, just trying to trudge my way through nursing school. I am dual enrolled btwn SCC and UCF in the nursing program. Should finish in about year!! Anyways, I will check back next boring class we have!
