
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Grocery Shopping

Chris and I were out of town this Sunday but my paper was waiting for me when we got home. This week it even had samples of cereal! How wonderful. Seriously, I ate them almost immediately.

I went to Freshfields Farm again with my friend and neighbor Kari. I spent $18.85 on organic baby spinach, 1lb of baby carrots, 1 orange pepper, 1 red pepper, 1 green pepper, celery, 1 vidalia onion, 1 red onion, 2 granny smith apples, 1 gala apple, white grapes, 5 grape tomatoes, and 1 large cucumber. Seriously next week I want to go through publix and add up how much the same things would cost. It's the most amazing thing to get a week's worth of delicious fresh produce for less than $20.

I did need to go to Publix this week. My total was $29.97 and my total savings was $10.83. Kelloggs Poptarts are on sale buy one get one free this week and I happened to have a coupon for $1 off 2 boxes. I'm still amazed that bogo counts as buying two! That means I got 2 boxes of poptarts for $1.39. Cascadian Farms granola was also on sale buy one get one and I had another $1 off of two boxes coupon! My two boxes of cereal were only $2.99. I love matching the sales to the coupons!

Other than the exciting ones I used a coupon from this Sunday's paper for $.75 off of Mission Tortillas which I will be using to make tacos tonight for dinner. I used a coupon for $.60 off of Milano cookies because Chris went "oooh oooh ooh!" like a monkey when he saw the coupon in the paper.

I did end up purchasing items that were not on sale and did not have coupons. The hardest thing about shopping sales and coupons is that the random assortment of sale items may not actually form a weeks worth of meals. Stockpiling is a popular option but I dislike the idea of filling my house with food that I have no idea when we will eat.

Happy Healthy Eating!


  1. Do you know if you have super double coupon or triple coupon events at any stores near you? I usually store up all of my coupons (unless it's something I'm buying anyway or if I can get it free/nearly free with just the coupon) and use them for these events. This usually results in lots of free food. I mostly buy non-perishable itmes or frozen foods so I can use them later. I have had to get creative to use some of the items I bought, like turning cake mix into cookies and other things like that, but I can get $200 worth of food for $50 and then I can go without buying those items for the next few weeks and save money that way too.

    Also, I just joined a panel for produce tasting called Taste Radar ( where they pay for up to $30 of your produce purchases per month as long as you log in and rate the produce. We'll see how it goes!

  2. Mary,
    This is so interesting. Innovative Fresh and Taste Radar really seem to be doing something great! I'm loving reading about their company. Thanks for the link!
    I don't think any of the grocery stores near me have double or triple coupon days. Where I am there is a definite monopoly, we have basically one grocery store. Which grocery store do you use to do your shopping?
