
Monday, July 5, 2010

Coupon Club

I would like to take a moment and say that this week's paper was disappointing. Would anyone out there be interested in putting together a group that meets once a month and swaps coupons? I have the P&G circular from this Sunday but I don't want anything from it, I could trade you for some egg or protein bar coupons... I think the more people that wanted to do it the better it would be. If anyone knows of a group like this that is already in existence, let me know!

I combined some of my experiences from last week into my shopping routine this week.
I bought produce from Freshfields Farm and everything else from Publix.

I got apples, grapes, broccoli, bananas, green peppers, tomatoes, spinach, carrots, and strawberries for $14.46
love it!

Then it was BOGO crazy for me this week at Publix. It seems like everything I needed was on sale. I got Kraft Salad Dressing, bogo, plus a $1 off coupon! I got Bertolli Olive Oil, bogo, which I wasn't planning on purchasing but it is the brand we love and it's $8 a bottle. M&Ms were bogo which is amazing since Chris uses them in his home-made trail mix. Overall savings at Publix was $23.67

Happy Eating!

1 comment:

  1. Me me me!!! I have wanted to start one too!
    I know Whitney would be down for it (whenever she is in town) and Soo from Summit too... and my college roommate in Deltona.... oh, and I FINALLY found your blog!!!! xoxoxo
