
Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Wish List.
sometimes i get into these moods when I just want to plan and wish and dream.
i'm happy where I am and it isn't necessarily restlessness, but i am wishing for my dream food vacation.

Stop # 1: New York. of course. because it's almost the center of all things delicious about food.
Foodie Love: Mesa Grill on 5th Avenue. yes, it's Bobby Flay and I don't even care how "Food Network #1 Fan" that makes me. well, i care a little but i still want to go there. i would very much like to try his Chile Relleno.
Foodie Love: A Salt and Battery on Greenwich Avenue. i've heard amazing things about this fish and chips place.
Foodie Love: Wafles & Dinges moving truck. one, i love waffles. seriously, my mom broke our waffle iron as a child and i've craved them ever since. two, this guy was incredibly funny on the food network. and three, he quit his day job to drive a wafle truck so i like him.

Stop # 2: Chicago.
Foodie Love: Superdawg on Milwaukee Ave. Larger than life mr. and mrs. hot dogs, yes please! Piling condiments of all sorts on a hot dog, delicious!
Foodie Love: Chicago Deep Dish Pizza. okay well actually i'm a sucker for a thin new york style but i'm trying new things here. This tour looks like the best way for me to get acquainted with the pizza :)

Stop # 3: Seattle.
Foodie Love: Starbucks in downtown. don't judge me. it's like a pilgrimage to mecca.
Foodie Love: Lola. oh man, fried donuts. Giada De Laurentiis talks about food and it makes me want to eat.

Stop # 4: Atlanta.
Foodie Love: Woodfire Grill on Cheshire Bridge Rd. i liked Kevin a lot during Top Chef. plus i like his opinions about food and organics and sustainability.
Foodie Love: The Varsity. well i don't want to go here any more than i want to eat deep dish pizza but Chris does. and i guess i'll compromise.

sigh. that's a lot of dreaming and pretend eating for one night.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Coupon Club

I would like to take a moment and say that this week's paper was disappointing. Would anyone out there be interested in putting together a group that meets once a month and swaps coupons? I have the P&G circular from this Sunday but I don't want anything from it, I could trade you for some egg or protein bar coupons... I think the more people that wanted to do it the better it would be. If anyone knows of a group like this that is already in existence, let me know!

I combined some of my experiences from last week into my shopping routine this week.
I bought produce from Freshfields Farm and everything else from Publix.

I got apples, grapes, broccoli, bananas, green peppers, tomatoes, spinach, carrots, and strawberries for $14.46
love it!

Then it was BOGO crazy for me this week at Publix. It seems like everything I needed was on sale. I got Kraft Salad Dressing, bogo, plus a $1 off coupon! I got Bertolli Olive Oil, bogo, which I wasn't planning on purchasing but it is the brand we love and it's $8 a bottle. M&Ms were bogo which is amazing since Chris uses them in his home-made trail mix. Overall savings at Publix was $23.67

Happy Eating!