
About Me

I've not really known what to put on an "about me" page.

This whole blog is about me :)

I'm Melissa. I sit in red wagons with my sister while we wait for my grandfather to put the wheels on.
This is my food journal.
Food is my ultimate favorite thing ever!

I was treated for an eating disorder a while back and I'm forever in recovery. Somewhere during my recovery process I fell in love with food. I fell in love with my body. Praise to God for human bodies and how amazing they are!

I am a vegan. I am a vegan for a lot of reasons but I'm still figuring veganism out, I've only been a vegan since October 2011. I'd love to talk about it but I may not have all the answers to your questions. I wrote this with some frequent questions.

I like to run a little. This is me and my mom after my first half marathon in Key West in 2011.

This is me and my friend Kayla after my second half marathon at Disney World in 2012.

This is me and my husband Chris on our wedding day! 11.12.09
We got married in Las Vegas, NV at the Mandalay Bay and it was beautiful!

Welcome to my blog.
Happy Eating!

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